Thursday, July 23, 2009

Not so Lucky After All

I'm not so lucky after all. remember the audition I was talking about? Yeah..I told you i got into Semi-Finals right? yeah. It was last Sunday. And of course, you can see from the title- I'm not so lucky after all. I didn't manage to get into the Finals that will be on the 09/08/09.

By the way, I got back my CSC 134 paper. The results was quite dissapointing for me cause questions that I should not get wrong and I got it wrong. But yeah, when I say that to my friends they were like 'What? your marks are like WOO' But still I'm not satisfied cause I made a stupid mistakes. Other than that paper, I got the answers for MTC 016 test. OMG!! That one - GONE DOWN THE DRAIN- I tell you! I did not follow the answer format that was not told by my lecturer and yes. I did not ask her how to answer. That is out of the question now. The thing is I did not manage to get or even guess the right answer. OMG! Will try to work on that later on!

And today, I just had my last test paper that was MTC 012. Introduction to Law1. Another law paper. Haih2. Another paper that had already gone down the drain. The question asked about one philosopher's opinion and what I wrote? Another philosopher's opinion. That is like absolutely WRONG! I have no idea how to study MTC or LAW subjects. To learn in class - yes - FUN but to memorize and to answer the questions - NO NO!

What to do? I'm the one who chose this field so I have to finish it no matter what! YEAH! CAYOK CAYOK!!

And of course!! I'm coming BACK to KL!!!! yeah! On Saturday at 2.30pm with Firefly.CAn't WAIT!!! WOOHOOOO!


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