Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Beginning of a Transformation

Hey peeps, We meet again.

For this post, the only thing that I wanted to tell all of you is that I am going on a strict food consume. As in other words, STRICT DIET! Basically what you see in the picture is the only food source that I can consume plus a 'colourful' lunch that can be anything only in small portion. As you can see in the picture, the brand is HERBALIFE. The most left is the tea that need to be consumed after every meal you have. In my case, only for lunch time. Actually I can drink it whenever I want but it is recommended to drink it after a meal. Next to it is the most important thing in my diet that is the SHAKES! Mine is Chocolate as you can see. Together with it is the soy protein source (next to it). I have to have them together at a time to get all the nutrients that I need to carry on with my daily activities. Lastly, is the bottle that I'm using to mix everything up. I just started today actually and it tastes good. Well, not as good as STARBUCKS but at least I can drink it without puking out everything back. LOL! For the second time, I did blend it together with oats. The tastes was not bad at all. I'm beginning to think that this is actually gonna work. =D.Happy for that! Seriously I AM HAPPY! =D =D =D.
Can't wait to see the results.


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