Sunday, September 12, 2010

Human Cruelty

Hey people of the world,

How's Raya? Mine was and IS GOOD! Get together with families and tomorrow I'll be heading back to KL. Can't wait to celebrate raya in KL with other family members and also friends. I can't wait to celebrate raya with my Kuantan friends as well. Yes, YOU! The excitement gets higher when I received Duit Raya from cousins, aunties and uncles. As I said, my raya IS GOOD and Marvelous (as Hakim said)

However, there are people who didn't get to enjoy their raya. Remember, there are people who didn't get to feel the enjoyment and the excitement of raya. They don't get to eat the delicious foods. And many others enjoying things on raya. As we are enjoying ourselves remember to the people who don't get to feel the privilege of raya.

As we speak, I am feeling sorry for the family of Sosilawati, an entrepreneur and the founder of a cosmetic product who was found missing on 30th August 2010 with other 3 males. The latest news I heard from the national news is that the police have found the place that 4 dead bodies were found yesterday. The police have not yet confirmed the identity of the deceased but they suspected that the bodies that were found are the four persons who were reported missing including Sosilawati. I will not continue commenting this case because I am scared that this will affect the case or I am giving false information to the public cause this is a public blog.

I just want to say that if the bodies found are these 4 persons where the police believed that they have been kidnapped, beaten, burnt and thrown away their ashes; the people who did these are NON-HUMAN! These people are CRUEL and they deserved to be Punish with the maximum punishment ever! I can't imagine how a human being has the heart to do all these things. I mean, killing is one thing but burn them is another thing.

I don't know if its the world now or its just a trend where 'if you have a problem with a person, kill them'. We see murder cases everyday in the news and newspapers. The last case where the father slaughtered his daughter - cruel murder. A guy killed his whole family and chopped his father's head and buried it else where - cruel murder. The trend for killing nowadays is not just stabbed people but it is the trend of CRUEL MURDER. Kill people with the most cruel way possible, don't you think? What is happening to the people? Are they getting insane day by day? or they just wanted to try something new? There is a news today in NST paper where they highlighted murder cases in Malaysia starting with the case of Mona Fandey to Nurin and the latest man slaughtered his daughter. If you have the time, find the article and read it. They actually gave the reasons why killers kill.

The same thing happened to Altantuya, where she was killed and they actually bombed her just because they wanted to destroy the evidence. What did the police found? Pieces of her flesh on trees and branches. She was bombarded into pieces. Can you see the cruelty of human now?

For the case of Sosilawati, I am too hoping that she is safe and so do her daughter as the reporters were asking her questions in the news. Although the police MIGHT have confirmed that the identity of the four bodies are them, why don't we just pray that its not them cause somehow the identity of the four bodies are still unidentified. We don't even know that the bodies are them or not. So, lets just hope for the best, aite!

And I think that it is still not too late to wish everyone,



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