Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Great Feeling When You Are Being Liked and Requested For

The greatest thing and the best part of my job happened today. When you serve your customers, for sure you want them to be happy for what they are having or they requested for. So, my job is to entertain the customers on their requests and their sometimes ridiculous questions. Although, I sometimes felt like slapping one or two of them for being so annoying but that is where the test starts. I need to just entertain and what for their decision and all. It is hard sometimes.

However, today, Wednesday as some of you might know it is PINK DAY! Pink Day is one promotion day by Baskin Robbins where you get double junior scoops for only RM 7.90, banana royale and brownie ala-mode for only 12.50. Some people doesn't know about this. And so, I have to explain one by one to them. There was this one aunty came and I was the one that served her. The normal thing, greet, serve and receive payments but in between there need to be some conversation between us. I talked to her, listened to what she had to say and told her to come again next wednesday because of this promotion thingy. Guess what, SHE CAME HALF-AN Hour later and at that moment I was serving other people. Of course, my co-worker went and greet her and of course to serve her. She said she doesn't want that 'kakak' but wanted me instead to serve her. Man! How proud!!! I was kinda proud that moment because I was being requested by a customer specifically to serve her. That is kinda BIG! I am glad!

I guess, you just have to treat people nicely and people will like you. You don't have to pretend to be good. Just be GOOD I guess. Be sincere in what you do and people will notice you. Oh Oh, she promised me that she would come back NEXT Wednesday. Yeah! WE JUST HAD OURSELVES A REGULAR CUSTOMER!!! weeee~~love love!!




iffahifufu said...

wanting to see you in BR "suits"! hehe ;DD

MARL said...

it is just a tshirt la iffah!

iffahifufu said...

nak jugak!!!