Saturday, January 22, 2011


What '20' has made me?

1. It made me more vulnerable and fragile since I will feel like crying very easily now.
2. It made me a more serious person that I have ever been.
3. It made me boring
4. It made me...
5. It made me an emotional-unstable girl.

I am still trying to adapt to 20.


Huda.XD said...

Marly... really now?
Has a number really made you think so? Well, you should know what I think. I think that special number has made you a brighter individual who is more independent and knows more about life :D Did you know? This blog has also made your english better. I think you've come a loooong way since I knew you. And remember, things will only get better from now onwards. Insya-Allah :) Love you no matter what!

MARL said...

oh Thank you dada. I do think so too about my english thingy. it does make it better, doesn't it? Love you Huda! know why I wrote all those stuff? cause I was PMS-ing! Guess what.... bulan mengambang at 4 in the morning last night! So, that's why I wrote all those emo posts! LOL!

Huda.XD said...

It totally does. You, my friend, unlocked the secret to being bilingual! hahaha. bulan mengambang huh?...yeah, that happens to me too sometimes :P