Monday, March 21, 2011

Severe Breakdown

Third post of the day and I am going to stop after this entry. LOL

Well, I had a severe breakdown since last Friday. The effect is that I don't want to go back to college. I prefer driving back-and-forth from home to college. I have no idea why and I don't even want to know why.

I guess I just had a severe breakdown and meltdown and what ever downs exist in the dictionary. I just have the feeling that I DON'T want to go back and stay in college. I guess it's the surroundings and the people made me uncomfortable. I don't mean to offend anybody but that is true. I had some uncomfortable feelings with some of the tenants there and that I will not reveal who.

Therefore, I am guessing that I am going to be back-and-forth from home to college this week until I feel that I am fully prepared for college after this.


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