Saturday, September 24, 2011


What is vulnerability?

Vulnerability comes from the word 'Vulnerable' which means weak and easily hurt physically or emotionally. (Oxford dictionary). However, vulnerability is the ability to show your weaknesses to others or in other words to be open with other people. You are more open to talk about your feelings, your weaknesses, your insecurity etc.

I saw the episode of 'Vulnerability' of Glee Project and I saw myself to be in the position at the time. Sam had problems in showing his vulnerability to people. He had problems breaking  down the wall in front of other people. Every one of us has insecurities. We have fears and all those fears have to be swept away and to sweep away all the fears you have to break down the wall of vulnerability.

I am the kind who will keep my feelings to myself. I looked like as though I tell everything to my friends but the truth is I don't. There is barrier in telling stories and telling everyone what you think. If I were to be given the assignment similar to Glee Project, I would have failed either. I have troubles breaking down the wall as I am kind of a secretive person especially when it comes to showing feelings. I have issues in showing feelings and telling people how down I feel and so on cause I used all my power to not show people how bad I feel at certain circumstances. I may looked as a strong woman but the truth is I think I would be one of the most low self-esteem person I have ever comes across with. I have the insecure-feelings all the time.

Becoming vulnerable can be a good thing somehow. If you are the kind who would go to people and say a kind of stuff that shows you can tell them how you feel, you can use that as a tool or a weapon to succeed. I truly believe that. People are easily influenced by feelings especially insecurities and unhappy feelings. People will automatically backed the person up who look as though they are the victim in the case though they might not be the victim after all.

Some people just have the gift of easily expressed their feelings to others but I can't. I can only express my feelings to... I my life...around 3/4 people? Yes! Not everyone can know everything. Even the selected ones will not know everything. That is how little I can be vulnerable with someone.


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