Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The New Family Member

Bonjour mademoisselle et monsieur.

How are you guys doing? Fine? How's holiday? Everything good?

For this post, I want to introduce the new family member that joined us last week. Its Looney/Fuzzy. Looney is the name which I gave but Fuzzy is the name which Hakim gave. She is young, energetic, behaved, anxious CAT!

Yes, you saw it right. A CAT!

Hakim and I have been wanting a cat since forever but was not permitted by our beloved mummy. However, last week I don't know how Hakim did it but he managed to persuade both my mum and dad in having a cat at home. I guess its the child aura. Well, both of them agreed on having the cat at home. At first, my dad wanted to buy a cat from petstore but I suggested why not just adopt one from animal shelters. Its more humane and of course cheaper. He agreed and we went to the nearest animal shelter to our house, The Paws at Ara Damansara.

The place was a nice shelter. We can see that the animals are all well-kept and well-maintained. We wanted to adopt the youngest cat ie kittens but it was against their policy. Their policy is that the kittens cannot be adopted cause they are just too young. Each and everyone of us was attracted to different cats but this one cat that we were all attracted to and she is Looney. She was not the friendly type of cat. Other cats would want to come near when we approach them but not Looney. She was very insecure. I had to hold her very tightly so that she would not run away. Finally, I survived the journey back home. As soon as we reached home, my dad and Hakim both were busy preparing the cage for Looney but I had to soothe her and calmed her down. She was scared. Of course, who wouldn't, right? New place, new people, new environment. Of course she will feel a little bit insecure. All in all, we all survived the first day.

It has been almost two weeks now. She is doing great but still she was not feeling secured when we bring her in the house. She is not yet comfortable and it took her few tens minutes before feeling comfortable in the house everytime. However, I can see the different in her. She is more approachable and nice and friendly. She likes people soothing her and rubbing her back. She is OK now. Although not 100% feeling secured yet.

The most proud achievement today was that I managed to give her a bath and she slept on my bed for the first time. That shows that she is finally comfortable in the house and in my room. Cats will NOT fall asleep if it didn't feel secure. This she slept right next to me for about one hour, not moving. That made me so happy and she finally felt comfortable in the house.

As a token, I gave her something special for lunch. Real fish tuna with something something. I could not remember. It was fulfilling! I am very happy yet excited on days to come.

p/s: pictures will be uploaded soon


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