Friday, November 19, 2010

Unforgettable First Day Of Raya (Qurban)

It is my first time experiencing Raya without going back to my hometown. To be exact, it is OUR first time not going back to our hometown on Raya day. What we always do is to go back to either one of our hometowns before or on the day itself. However, it didn't go that way this Raya Haji because of me. As I said, it is OUR first time celebrating Haji Festive in KL as a family. Why I said that all this was because of me? It is because I had to work on Wednesday morning. How sad, right? I know. It is my first experience working on the first day of Hajj Festive. It was sad knowing that we were unable to go back to our hometown.

I woke up to get ready to go to work that morning and I caught the smell of Rendang from the kitchen and guess what, my mum made us Rendang and it was AWESOME! I love my mum's rendang. It was her second time making Rendang for Raya. Awesome, right? Had my good breakfast before heading to work and.... (The interesting part starts...)

I arrived at the same time as my co-worker (Kak Yati) did. Normal opening stuff we had to do. Open ice-cream counter, open counter, arrange this and that. Kak Yati searched her bag for the store keys. Check and check the keys weren't in her bag. We both panicked the hell of ourselves cause there will be two customers that will come to collect their cakes which were in the other store room which we need the keys to open the door. But, the keys were not with us. PANIC ATTACKED!! I asked Kak Yati to recall the place when she left the keys. As she took her time to recall the moments, TING! She said she might have left the keys in the store room (upstairs). We were determined to just break the door.

Kak Yati took the hammer and I took the screwdriver. At first, I went on my McGyver mode. I used card and pins to open the door. It weren't working. How frustrating. It was time to use the hammer and the screwdriver. We tried to hammer the door knob and the whole etc. We might have tried everything we could. I took of the door knob's cover, it wasn't working. At last, Kak Yati, the hero of the day, took the cloth we use to cover the cups and the hammer. Cover the door knob with the cloth and PAAAANNGGGGG!!! Door OPENED!! Yezzaaarrr~~ We should have done that from the beginning. By that time, it was 10.15am. We opened late! As soon as the door was opened, we rushed into our work-mode. Arranged everything. Money, chairs, tables, cups, spoons, carpets, scoops etc etc. At about 10.45am, both the customers came to take their cakes. OMG! Thank God everything has settled. The door, arrangements and everything. Just imagine if the customer came at the time where we haven't managed to open the door. I could not imagine that. Thank God!!!

It was a hell of experience and I'm sure that IT WILL BE REMEMBERED for the rest of my live!

Oh oh...I forgot to add another thing, it was PINK DAY that day. Again, TIRING and I went home TIRED! Had to take my shower ASAP and went to my aunty's house to celebrate Raya with them. Huh. What a TIRING day I had on the first day of Raya Hajj!

What ever it is, I Thank Allah for helping us opening the door for us. I Thank Allah for giving me the strength to work all day long. I thank Allah for giving me the time to live and I thank Allah for giving the chance to live my live and I smile because I know that Allah loves me!



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