Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I have Been Reunited with my 'MAK'

You would wonder who is MAK here.In case you wonder, MAK here is not my mum. She is the person who have been taking care of me since i was a baby till I reached 5 years old. About 17 years ago, every single day my parents would send me over to MAK's house.She was like my babysitter.I was really close to her and to her sons and her grandchildren. One of her grandchild is the same age as me.

Until my age reached 5, she moved to Seremban. So I had to be sent somewhere else for me to stay till my parents can come and get me after their working hours. Since then, we have met only once at her house in Seremban that was about 3 years after we separated. Then, we heard that Mak was moving to some other place that we do not know where and we lost contact with her. No address, no telephone number..nothing..

After 10 years we lost contact, suddenly i had a call from an anonymuos person. And guess what..the caller is one of Mak's daughter.I was soo soo SHOCKED!Guess where she got my number from?..My dad! They met at my dad's friend's office..She is working there.'She' here is ALONG.After that ALONG gave me Mak's number..I was soo happy that day.I called Mak and talked to her.But of course after a long separation there will be some shyness inside me.So we do not talk very long.Only my mum talked quite long with Mak.

After one month,my mum got a call from Mak and she invited us to his son's wedding, Abg.Sham..We went..and at that moment..I was SOO SOO HAPPY cause we are reunited after 10 years. I met MAK,ALONG,ABG SHAM,ALANG,ANGAH,ABG FIRDAUS and Mak's grandchildren..Only one person i didn't get to meet was Mak's grandchild that is the same age as me.But that's ok cause i contacted him through MYSPACE! It was not an EMOTIONAL REUNION but it was more to SHOCKED REUNION!but i was HAPPY!

Here are the only pictures that I took that day.I forgot that I brought camera with me the whole day till the end of the day when i opened my handbag and saw the camera.So,only then i took some pictures.!WHAT A WASTE!

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