Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Lessons Learnt

image from todayslyrics.tumblr.com
Hey all,

How's Ramadan so far? Full..still? LOL.

Well, today's post is mainly about how you should move on and must not get stuck with the past.

I was inspired by some status posted by some of my friends from my friend's list for example, 'How I wish today can be repeated. Tomorrow will never come' That sort of thing. Frankly speaking I am not a fan of this.

I believe in moving on and stopped thinking about the past. I am not saying that you should forget everything that has happened in the past but to only STOP thinking about it. If you have made a few mistakes back then and of course you wished that everything could be rewind so that you won't make that mistakes but let me tell you something friend, that is the beauty of making mistakes. You learned from them. Take that mistakes and try not making the same mistakes again. You have to Stop thinking about it, not forget about it totally cause that is still memories and forgetting it means you will not have memories at all. What I am saying is that, you need to stop whining about it. Stop complaining about it. Stop making excuses about it. Stop asking for a rewind. Just STOP and focus on the lessons you should be learning from it. There is no use if you kept on talking about what you could have done to make things right. The deeds are done. There is nothing that you can do to make it right anymore. You just have to move on and accept your mistakes and learn from it.

My experience on this has been so many. I had my ups and downs. I screwed up ALOT! My latest would be the moot competition. I at one moment thought what if I can ask for a rebattle or something so that I can make it right and make it better than before. That obviously not going to happen. That is the reality. I accepted it and I took all my mistakes as my lessons to be learnt from. I know what I have to do for my next competition to improve my presentation. I had some positive remarks that may help me improve myself. The negative comments are not going to be dumped just like that, I have to take all that it so that I can improve my presentation skills next time. You see, I moved ON! I did not complain about it. I did not ask for a repeat and I did not make excuses for my lost.

The mistakes we did are the lessons that we have to learn.

There is no point looking back on the past. There is nothing that we can do to change the past. What is Done IS Done! So be it! We, the current living the life should look forward and carry on with our lives. Have faith on the future and have a goal/aim so that we can move towards it.

Basically that is all that I want to put in this entry. There are more in my mind but I don't think it is necessary to be put in this post.

So, that's the end of it.



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