Friday, September 17, 2010

When Your Best Friend Just Left

Hey people,

How's raya? Great? Moderate? Poor?

You know how your friends will eventually make their own way to achieve their own goals? There will be a time where you will be separated for years and get back together for a reunion especially if they are working abroad. You will not get to meet them often. That's what happened to me today.

I had just sent off one of my BEST FRIEND, Annishka Asairinachan. My best friend since Standard 6. Me, Suzanna, Syahira, Mayuri and Salini went all the way to LCCT to send her off. As usual, I drove. Unfortunately, we did not spent so much time with her cause she was busy with her family, her stuff and her boyfriend so that was why we did not spent too much time with each other. However, she managed to treat us McDonalds but of course, with her 'not there'.

She is going to India to study in Dentistry. That has been her dream since she had her braces on. Well, she took it off months ago but still, that was the reason why she wanted to become a dentist. She was studying in Methodist College in Brickfields. As she finished there, she applied for Manipal India and she got in. Well, she is one SMART-kid! So, I had no doubt in her. I hope she will make it there. I know she will so I have no worries for her not-making friends cause she is a person who can make friends with anyone. Seriously. The only thing I am scared of is her eating habits. There might be changes and there might be some foods that she will need to adjust to and get used to. So, I hope she can do that. She has a quite sensitive stomach I can say. So, be careful yeah!

A little message for her:

Hey Nish,
Take care while you are there. Eat properly. Do not skip meal cause I know you will if you are too busy so don't forget to eat. Make good friends and don't mix with the wrong people cause you know how India is right. Remember that if you have any problems just tweet and we will all try to help although we are FAR FAR apart. Remember to always tweet and yes, I may not reply all your tweets. Don't force people to reply your tweet, goddammit! lol. Study hard and study smart. Don't get too stressed out cause then you will get really skinny. I have lots more in my mind right now but I am too lazy to type it out. So, my final say would be:
Love You! *hugs*

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