Sunday, June 28, 2009

A Night

Hey again all,

Today is Sunday so it's a pretty much a relaxing day but still there's a-lot of work to be done.

Yesterday, there's a program called 'Anakku Sazali' - a forum. One of the panel was Dato' Dr. Siti Nor Bahyah. She's quite famous in this forum thing-y. But honestly I have no idea who she was yesterday when my friends were talking about her. No idea! Basically the forum was about the relationships between parents and their kids.. But there's one part where ustazah told a story about a lady during Nabi Muhammad's time. How that lady's kid treat her and at the end that kid died but before that apologies to his mother and all.. That part was really touching! There's soo many of us cried but yes, not ME! I wanted to but I kept my focus on drawing things cause I Don't want to cry. But, the forum was not bad at all.

Before that, I went to Peers Club. Unfortunately, that's the only club that I can join for the moment since I didn't join Debate Club. And FYI there's only 3 Clubs in Kuantan and the forth is ON-THE-WAY! 3 Clubs! Compared to Jengka campus - 41 Clubs. Beat that?! Ok so, what I have to do to be the member of this club is form a group and plan an event and as long as the event does not require too much money but it has to be interesting and for everyone! So yeah, I'm working on it!

Tomorrow will be my BEL 120 Sketch Presentation. So far the preparation is OK! So quite nervous!Wish me luck!

Last but not least, I want to wish GOOD LUCK to my friends who already went to their respectives campuses for their DIPLOMA courses! GOOD LUCK you guys!


iffahifufu said...

HEYY you should treat me tooo...! well im your "roomates" kan kan..

MARL said...
