Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Activities For Today

Hey ya'll.
This is my 2nd post in a day. I know. That's LAME! Updating every little detail that I have been doing at home, here. But what the heck. I am boring and furthermore this is my blog. So, it is up to me to update or not and to update it as frequent as can. So, what have I been doing today? Let see..

I started my day with the SHAKE I've been talking about in my previous post. Wait till my brother goes to school and my mum goes working, I went downstairs and start my movie marathon with....


Actually, I've watched this movie for 3 times now. I LOVE this movie So Much! I can't love any other Hindi movie like this one. This movie is so different compared to any other Hindi movie you have seen. It is not only about LOVE. It is about lives of Muslim people in the United States after the 9/11. How racism can happen so fast after the incident and etc. I praised Shah Rukh Khan for his talent and for his success in this movie. He played the character so WELL till a person that does not know him would thought that he is actually having Autism. I'm SERIOUS! He plays it soo GOOD! The same credit goes to Kajol too for acting So WELL in this movie. Congratulations to Karan Johar for the WELL DONE job! For those who have not yet watch this movie, I would suggest you to get it as soon as possible. It is a MUST-WATCH movie!

Next, end with 'My Name Is Khan', I went out to wash my car that got wet again right after I washed it because of rain. It's OK! At least there's no more DIRT on my beloved MATTEO! Love you MATTEO! While I'm washing my car I switched on the TV with Glee on it. This is the 2nd time I've watched the First CD of the whole season that I bought last week. I love love love. Love it Love 'em.

After the whole Disc 1 finished, it is already 6.30pm and it is time for '

'Na O Mei'
I started following in when I was in Kuantan. Everyday I went for dinner at about 6.00pm and so I started to watch it. It is a kinda cool Malay Drama. At least everyone in it can ACT. Not like any other Malay drama that has actor that cannot act. So, why would we call them actor and actresses when they cannot even ACT? huh? At least, this drama I am not Annoyed by the way they act. They are actually kinda good at it. The main actress is Elly Mazlein as Na O Mei and Adi Putra as Reza. Both of them CAN act. So that makes it OK for me to watch. But my favourite would be Nabila Huda. Boy, that girl can ACT! Just give her any character, she can pull it off. I put a BET on her! She can ACT! Good JOB! I love her acting in 'Bisikan Azazil' where she acted as a girl that changes into a Tomboy by the cause of her family matters and stuff. That was a good Telemovie. And so, I was attracted to watch this Na O Mei drama one thing because of Nabila but others was because I already watch the first 2-3 episodes so why not just continue, right?

Basically, that's what I've been doing this whole day.
See you soon.



ain syuhada jamaluddin said...

hillary duff marl!!

MARL said...

hilary duff? seriously? hehe..will think about it..lol..wait for it!