Tuesday, March 23, 2010

It is MidValley ya'll

You heard that right.
It is Mid Valley. What's up with Mid Valley? You would ask. Well, I went out with my Kuantan friends today. It was a Hell-Out-Of-Fun. The only sad thing is that I had to go back early just to catch a meet with my relative. Basically who went?

1. Me
2. Ras
3. Ain
4. Cartaz
5. Qida
6. Khai

No offence girls, but all of you were kinda LATE! Like really LATE! We basically agreed to meet at 11.30am but everyone came either half-an-hour later or one-hour later. I ForGiVE all of you! No worries. Me and Ras went together and so we were the earliest. We reached Mid Valley at around 11.20am, thus, we hang out in MPH. Read books. Sit on the FLOOR. Do nothing. Wander around and around MPH like 4 to 5 times until Khai arrives. As she arrives Cartaz too arrives. And so, we have 4. Around that time Qida called Khai and asked to pick her up at the Komuter station cause she doesn't know the way to MPH. And so, all of us went. That is the four-of-us. On the way, we found Ain then Qida.

As we finally gathered, we rushed to Kenny Rogers as everyone was soo soo HUNGRY! Stomach like Drilling the wall of our stomach. Ordered and Eaten. I am kinda surprised by the way Khai and Qida eats. They don't know how to be full like literally. They eat and eat until every single pieces of food on each one of us plates are empty. That is cool~ I would love to bring them for buffet. After eating, we went for Solat. After..SHOPPING! Not to a so-cool place. It's just Jusco. I bought A T-shirt. A plain black one. The main point on going to Jusco is actually to find for a perfume. I have this GUESS perfume that I want to buy. But, I can't find it till now. I am not sure whether it is not out yet here in Malaysia or what. Cause I went to the boutique but they do not sell perfumes at the boutique. And so, I have to find it somewhere else where I have no idea. It is the one thing that I really want to buy.

Move on from there, At about 3.45pm, Me and Ras had to go back. Not to go back home but I had to meet one of my relatives for settling some things that I will mention in my next post. It is something that I am kinda excited to talk about. But wait. Basically, the gathering stops SHORT! It was somekind of a brief meeting. But, I had FUN! We shall do this again and again.
The next plan I have in mind is Sunway Lagoon. That have to wait till I get every single one of them to give their confirmation.

See ya!

1 comment:

lurve+me+more said...

huhu..sory i'm late...
better late than never right..hehe