Friday, May 14, 2010

Mystery Behind It

Have you ever wonder the true reason why people told you NOT to take a shower after you have eaten? They always asked you to take your shower first before you eat. Usually, your parents would say this:-

' Jangan mandi lepas makan. Kalau nak makan pegi mandi dulu'
' Kalau makan dulu baru mandi nanti perut buncit. Tak lawa.'

Well, I think that's just a reason to scare you up. Yeah! I think I know the real reason why you can't eat before you take your shower. This concept can be related to how you feel after you swim, after you enjoy waterfall swim, anything that involves swimming in water. What do you feel after you swim? Hungry? yeah! That's right. Each and everyone will say the same thing. Whenever you went for a swim, automatically after that session of yours you will feel your stomach craving for food. I think whenever our body get in contact with water. Like showering, swimming we will get hungry easily. So, for me that is why we CAN'T eat before taking our shower cause we will be hungry after the shower although we have had big dinner/lunch before showering. Don't believe me? Try it. Experiment with it. Especially with swimming. You will feel hungry immediately after you swim.



Ras said...

how abot mkn sambil minum air? nnt perut buncit jugak :(

MARL said...

tk lah