Monday, March 14, 2011

Relax and Cool Ain't Me No More Part 2

Continue from the previous post...

The speech about the fire drill thigy wasn't that great. It was part of a boring event held here in Mawar but it is beneficial though if you really really listen to it. Unfortunately, I didn't.

So, I was saying about the tremendous pressure I am feeling right now. The pressure starts to get worse when I received my first test mark this morning. It was low and by low I do mean low. It was not something that I could be proud of. Yes, it is only the first test but still it is important. Plus, I realised that I am not that ready for Contract Final Exam. I can tell that I can survive Tort or even MLS but not Contract. I am still struggling for Contract. Its just so dang hard and I don't know whether I can or can't do for contract. I am afraid I am just underestimating myself but what if that is the truth? What if I really can't do it? What if...

Words don't mean anything if we don't act upon it. I know that. Nothing will happen if we only say things that we want to do but don't do it. Without an action nothing goes. No matter how big how huge how fabulous you say about something that you 'want' to do but if you don't start acting, all the huge things will never work on its own. You yourself need to act and initiate the whole action. Whatever it is, you have to start it. The fire won't get bigger if there was no small fire. Get it? The small fire is the small steps that you take so that it can get bigger as time comes.

Same goes with your studies and that I believe. If you just SAY that you want to study but you didn't take you butt of your bed, nothing will get into your head. The words and the knowledge won't get into your head without you shoving it in. This is an advice for everyone including me CHANGE!

Stop blabbering and talking and start ACTING!!! Do what you say, you'll get what you want!


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