Monday, March 21, 2011

What is Happening and What is Going To Happen

These few days, I had done a research on my own. A NON-Important research. However, because of self-curiosity and want-to-know feeling, I made my own research and findings. I want to know what the other kids my age or older or even younger than me do on their leisure times. For me, I would do my unfinished work or even sleep or facebook or twitter online. That is me, how about others?

Pretty much, some will go to afternoon sleep and some would watch a movie or some may go out and have a swim or cycling or even playing any types of sports. Every individuals have their own hobbies and leisure times activities. Yes, so, that is why I carried out this mini little undercover work of mine.

I admit, I once became a partly-regular chatters at one online chatting website and I will refer to it as K and yes, it was addicted. However, I stopped a few years ago. As I said, I carried out a little research of mine and the place of research was K.

My class ended at 12.30pm this afternoon and I came back early in the evening so I had few hours of rest and leisure. Therefore, I began my research. I logged into K and there you go. With a girl's name as chatter's name there sure will be many guys coming in saying 'hi'. And so I began to entertain most of them. At my surprise, out of 20 have nudge me, probably 18 of them started with 'asl plz' or 'hi'. At further findings, 16 of them ended up asking me about whether I am an open minded girl or not. Open minded here as in 'am I ok with s*x talk'. Some of them don't even start with a greeting but straight away to some 'horny' words which of course I am not comfortable with.

I admit, I did entertain further some of them just to get to know what they have done or not yet did. One of the chatters that I was chatting with even asked me whether I have had s*x before or not. And of course, an honest answer was given and straight away...Poof! Gone. I guess he only wants to talk to girls who have had s*x before. Wow! That's a surprised! Another guy sort of started with 'hi', 'how are you' then 'boleh tanyer sikit' and I know where this was going.
Another guy, he was asking whether I have had s*x before or not and then I asked him the same question and guess what he said, 'I tak kire'. Then I asked, 'wow, that must be more than one time'. He said 'yeah, ha ah lebih dari 5 kali pon'. I was stunned by the answer given by the other chatter. I mean. Wow!

You know, I was disappointed. Regardless of the fact that they had seriously done it or not I will still be disappointed cause whoever I was chatting with were all MALAYS. Young, Teenagers, Future-Leaders Malays. What will happen in the future. Yes, it is not all malay youngsters but what will happen to these group of teenagers? I know they might have the other side of the life and what ever that they are doing is just part of their free time activities. However, talking about s*x with strangers and admitting you have had it several times does not give a good impression to other people. Well, maybe to some who are in the same category. But, truly I was disappointed with my findings cause it ain't pleasant.

Talking about morals and civic of a MALAY who are not supposed to have s*x before marriage and found out that a bunch of Malay youngsters are doing right now as you are reading and I am typing. It is just devastating. Who are to blame, then?

So, people. I don't know what to say for my last line but truly, remember who you are and don't forget your roots and your principles in life!


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