Sunday, October 3, 2010

Happy Day Happy Life Happy!

Who is Happy now? Who is so Happy until you want to just kiss everyone? Literally.

I am saying this is not because I am too over excited. I am just fine today. Nothing bizarre happened until I want to kiss everyone because I was too happy. Nothing like that. My feeling is NORMAL today. Not that happy not that sad not that excited over things and others. It's in a NORMAL par.

My brother had his music concert today. Congratulations little brother you did it. Let me tell you, he and his friends were so cute on the stage playing the piano. Seriously, CUTE! With formal attire -guys and gals with dresses. It was so CUTE! He played two songs with piano, one song with the other a symphony and another song- singing with all the students. Seeing those little cutie tiny kids reminded me of myself back then cause I was so cute! (ok, perasan time). But, I am not kidding. I was cute before. Hold on, let me change the sentence there. Not 'was' it's 'am'. That means I am still cute! LOL. (ok now I sound like Iffah). But, it's true though! WTV!

And so, I was so happy seeing my brother on stage and played the piano well. Happy Happy!

Next story, I am going to tell you the story once everything is settled. For the moment, it is not settled yet so I can't tell you anything bout it. Just wait and see.

P/s: I know most people don't like hearing about this. But I seriously can't wait for my examination results.



iffahifufu said...

oh god m i that killing virus? HAHAHAHAHA mak tak ajar perasan2 ni nokk...

btw, did u record hakim on stage?

MARL said...

I did not. there's pictures though.